Contact Form

By ticking the box, you are accepting the data protection policy. In compliance with current legislation on Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the data provided in the form and your email address, are part of the database of Playa Atlántico, S.A. Unipersonal. The purpose is for internal management, professional, commercial and loyalty, as well as to respond to the / s query / s raised. Similarly, your email account will be stored for sending information about our business. Your e-mail account will be kept indefinitely as long as you do not request its deletion. If you do not wish to receive any further information about our products or services, you can unsubscribe at the following e-mail address, indicating “unsubscribe” or “do not send e-mails” in the subject line, or by following the instructions at the bottom of the e-mail received or in the form received. Additional detailed information on Data Protection can be found on our website: